2023 Reunion Updated Information
Your Parade Uniform is:
1) Regulation T-shirt (you will get yours during the weekend)
2) Dark Blue Shorts (NO cutoffs or jeans)
3) White socks (from ankle socks to longer sicks but no need for knee socks) required
4) Ideally white sneakers
You are also responsible for printing, memorizing, and bringing any music you need. We will not have any on site.
Thursday May 25
7:30 pm: Kaleidoscope 48-West Genesee High School
Mulroy Civic Center at OnCenter
Often alumni wish to attend this wonderful event. All West Genesee High School music and dance groups in concert. Multi-faceted program features large ensembles, small chamber groups and soloists. The 400-student finale will cap the show! Not to be missed!
Get tickets here: https://wgfinearts.ludus.com/index.php?sections=events
Friday May 26
11 am : Golf Tournament at Camillus Country Club Captain and Crew format.
Saturday May 27
Welcome tables will open at 10 am at Shove Park.
Please arrive between 10 am and 11 am to get your T-shirt and get oriented. We need to process hundreds of people so assume there will be some wait time. Ideally, have someone (or uber) drive you as there are not enough parking spaces to hold 500 cars!
Instruments & flags will be handed out on Saturday at Shove Park. We will need your cell phone number as well when we hand you an instrument (Melli, Baritone, Sousa and all percussion).
We have no reeds, mouthpieces, trumpets, bones or sticks & mallets, so please bring your own.
You are responsible for the instrument we give you for the weekend.
You will take it with you after Saturday practice.
We will collect it back from you after the parade at West Genesee High School.
We will be rehearsing, with rotating breaks, from 1130AM to 4 pm. There will be food trucks there for fabulous lunch and soft drinks!
Dan Thome, ’94 alumni, owns The Wildcat near Township 5 and is hosting WG Band alumni right after rehearsal ends Saturday night at 5PM. He will have a DJ and has a sand volleyball court, lots of parking and can hold about 250 people. It is buy your own food and drinks…but it’s a great place and we will all be there! Pizza is FAB!
Sunday May 28
Arrive at 11:30AM.
We will be rehearsing, with rotating breaks, from 12N to 4 pm. There will be food trucks there for fabulous lunch and soft drinks!
We will have an official concert (stand still) recording at 2:30 pm. If people want to come and see something they have never seen or heard…that would be the time!
Memories Dinner Party: Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Dinner at 7:00 pm – amazing food, entertainment (with the Camillus Continuity Band and then a DJ!)and open bar. This will be a GREAT evening! Buy your tickets now.
The party ends at 11:30PM.
Memorial Day Monday 29th
All alumni will leave for the parade from West Genesee High School. DO NOT DRIVE TO TOP OF CAMILLUS HILL!
We have 14 buses leaving the high school starting at 8:45 in two trips to the top of Camillus Hill. You may park on high school property, but if there is not room, Lowes has a large lot behind their store (the old pavement practice field) for overflow parking.
There is a wooden gate that will be opened which leads to the high school property.
Following the parade, 14 Buses will drive down Main Street and pick up high school band and alumni and take everyone back to the high school in two trips.
Pick up will be on Main Street starting by Raichlin Village Hall.
High school band and some alumni on the first trip. All alumni on the second trip.
If you have a borrowed instrument you must go back to the high school following the parade to return your instrument and case.
If you drive back to the high school on your own with family, we need you to get back by the time the second round of buses returns.
Musicians – Download your music:
Banners/Flags view and learn your routine here:
FRONT HONOR GUARD: We will have a group of flags who will march but not do a routine but instead carry a flag in a flag carrier. If you wish to be in this group you must bring your own carrier which is purchasable here:
Side of band marchers (most of you): https://youtu.be/xh-8LJp3pcY
Front Row-only flags/banners: https://youtu.be/fJCJ4nvp-xQ
Rifles view and learn your routine here: https://youtu.be/XaUnFCWDCek
Military rifles routine here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJvDKi2yDns
Majorette Routine is here: https://youtu.be/FjweV83cLSU
OVERVIEW: What will be your role marching?
If you originally played Pit Percussion, you can play cymbals or bass drum.
If you were a Majorette, you MUST bring your own Baton – we DO have a routine for you! (buy one here) https://a.co/d/6wbLK71
If you were a Rifle, you must bring your own which you can buy here https://a.co/d/4g7cu0G
If you played Bell Lyre, we will have 3 bell lyre!
If you were a “Golden Girl”, we will have TWO of those, and all others will be Color Guard. In order to be a Golden Girl, you will have to fit into your original Golden Girl uniform. (ok, we are kidding).
If you can carry a flag but not move it around a lot and want to march sign up as the Honor Guard and get your flag carrier.
If you cannot play anything but would like to walk with us please register and you will be able to walk behind the band in your uniform.
Note: we have a limited number of instruments we can supply this year. If we are sold out of a ticket type (say cymbals) it means we are out of cymbals. You can still march by bringing your own cymbals and registering as a marcher bringing their own instrument. We have no piccolos, saxes or other smaller instruments available so bring your own.
SNARES are very limited so if snare tickets are sold out you can buy a snare and harness here for $199 including shipping and then register as a “bring your own instrument” ticket: https://www.guitarcenter.com/Sound-Percussion-Labs/Marching-Snare-Drum-with-Carrier-13-x-11-in-White-1500000153329.gc